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HP is a leading provider of products, technologies, solutions and services to consumers and business. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services, and imaging and printing. In 2002 HP merged with Compaq Computer Corporation making it one of the world's largest computer manufacturers. The company manufactures the widely used Jornada and iPaq Pocket PC based handheld computers, which are supported by our calculator software.

HP was founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard - two Stanford University engineering graduates who decided the company's name with a coin toss. The company famously started in a domestic garage building test equipment.

In 1968 HP introduced the world's first desktop scientific calculator, the HP 9100A. As a programmable calculator using magnetic cards it is widely regarded as the world's first personal computer, although it was marketed as a calculator. It was also the first calculator to introduce Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). For more information and background about HP calculators, see the Hewlett-Packard manufacturer page in our calculators database on our pocket calculator site.

As a member of HP's Solution Partner Program, our focus is on handheld and tablet devices. But we are very pleased to be associated with the pioneering manufacturer of pocket calculators. Many would argue that HP still make the best calculators in the world.

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